
Ukulele Strum-Along with Cynthia Lin - 20 songs

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Ukulele Strum-Along with Cynthia Lin - 20 songs

188 ratings

Aloha uke friends!

Here's the chord chart packet for my Ukulele Strum-Along at Whole Foods Ward Village (Honolulu) on 9/8/2019 - it features 20 songs that are fun and easy for all of us to follow.  Feel free to download and use to lead your own strum-along.

For more info on my events, visit http://cynthialin.com/events

HOW TO DOWNLOAD: the chord chart is free. :) just enter 0, click the I Want This button, and enter your email address to download.  Please don't leave a donation here, I'd rather you just get the download for free first.  If you would like to support my mission of spreading more ukulele joy, check out http://cynthialin.com/support to make a donation, download my album at http://bit.ly/UkuleleDays, or consider joining my online uke community at http://patreon/com/cynthialin - thank you!

Happy strumming!

xo cynthia.

{see all available chord charts at http://gumroad.com/cynthialin}

http://www.instagram.com/cynthialinmusic | http://facebook.com/cynthialinmusic

I want this!
1.34 MB
24 pages
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